Lifelong amateur radio operator George T. Mitchell K6ZE of San Diego, California passed away today at the age of 94. Read about it here.
Starting on September 6th you will have nine days to travel Route 66 once again, this time via the airwaves
LCARES will be presenting the Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Course Read about it here.
During Tuesday's meeting of the Washoe County Board of Commissioners, ARRL Local Government Liaison J. Edward Parker-N7TOC presented Washoe County with an ARRL Certificate of Merit... You can read about it here.
The Boomtown Resort/Casino in Reno has been picked by the Sierra Nevada Amateur Radio Society as the site for the 2015 ARRL Nevada State Convention.
Known as NVCON, the convention will run May 1-3. Additional details have not been released Long time Las Vegas area ham, Arnold Daniel "Arnie" Zelig WA2SOE passed away July 18th, at age 51, following a lengthy illness. Story here
With only digital television being available in Australia from 10 December, and the loss of the last TV transmitter Channel 0, it does not automatically mean the unfettered return of 50-52 MHz to the amateur radio service. Read the story here.
For the first time in more than 3 years all of the National Weather Service
Field Offices in Nevada were represented in the annual SKYWARN Recognition Day activities. Irvine Dec-12) FAST- Flying Apple Space Technologies has successfully flown yet another near space balloon mission. Read the story here.
ARRL President Kay Cragie-N3KN has announced her appointment of Mike Lee-AA6ML to the position of Vice-Director of the Southeast Division. Read about it here.